Happy Holidays!

We at Brave Writer wish you all the best during this holiday season!
In these upcoming days as this year draws to a close, we hope you are able to slow the pace of your everyday life and savor the beauty of family.
The staff of Brave Writer will also be slowing the pace a bit in these last days of 2023.
Between December 25 and January 2, we will only be available to answer urgent questions via email, such as log in or class payment issues.
Non-urgent emails, however, such as product help and class recommendations, will be addressed after the holidays, the week of January 3.
Please feel free to continue to post and participate in our Brave Learner Home community, if you are a member.
Thank you for all the ways you show us that our work is meaningful in your lives.
Happy New Year! See you in 2024.
Have a wonderful end of the year celebration!