Brave Writer Precept #9: Our Allegiance is to What’s Right for Our Family

The ninth Brave Writer precept is: Our allegiance is to what’s right for our family, not any one homeschool method, community, or model.
Today’s precept fits PERFECTLY with a Tea with Julie podcast I did called Finding a Homeschool Philosophy that Works for You. In that brief episode I remind home educators that their primary loyalty is always to their family—not someone else’s standards.
This may surprise you if you come out of the school system where you are used to being measured by teachers, transcripts, or the expectations of others.
A home education is specifically tailored to your family.
You have the power to:
- make choices,
- experiment and take risks,
- be sure that the learning is meeting the needs of your specific children.
I invite you to pop in your headphones and listen to my little pep talk. It’s 7 minutes long and is available on the Brave Writer blog (includes show notes), Spotify, Apple podcasts, or any podcasting platform.