What’s Your Summer Strategy?

Look into the distance… Do you see it? Sun, sand, and… “I’m bored!”
That’s right. Summer is on the horizon!
Poll: What’s your summer strategy?
- Keep it chill and keep ‘em busy
- Try something new
- Maintain our progress
- Mama needs to rest
- Prep for September
Ready to lock in your answer?
Now let me show you how to use our summer roster of online classes to make your selection work.
Your Results
If you selected…
Keep it chill and keep ‘em busy
Our summer classes last a short enough time frame that you can commit and then take a nice break when it’s over. These classes are 3-4 week bursts:
- Write for Fun: Go Wild or Fly High (ages 9-14)
- Worldbuilding (ages 9-14)
- Passion for Fiction (ages 11-18)
Try something new!
It’s the perfect time to see how you like our approach. Start with classes with a new spin on old topics:
- Groovy Grammar (family class; ages 9-14 + parent)
- Nature Journaling (family class; ages 9-18 + parent)
- Fan Fiction (ages 13-18)
Maintain our progress
No one wants to start from scratch in September! These classes bridge the gap by letting students practice the writing process from start to finish.
- Middle School Writing: Passion Projects (ages 9-14)
- Elementary Writing: Animal Stories (family class; ages 7-10 + parent)
- Essay Writing 102: The Persuasive Essay (ages 13-18)
Mama needs to rest
I hear that! Have a deep dive into a favorite subject pre-planned and executed for you. Our instructors give kind, productive, thorough feedback to your kids! Available at all times for questions.
- Middle School Writing: Nonfiction Projects (ages 9-14)
- Comic Strip Capers (ages 9-14 and older comics lovers)
- Movie Discussion Club (ages 9-18)
Prep for September
Certain thinking and writing skills need to be cultivated through exploratory exercises before we can expect students to take big leaps. Let us set your student up for success.
- College Admissions Essay (ages 15-18)
- Essay Prep: Dynamic Thinking (ages 13-18)
- Elementary Writing: Story Switcheroo (family class; ages 5-8 + parent)
Another way you can prepare for next year? By taking advantage of our summer sale! Read on for more details.
Complete Summer Class Schedule
Want to see our classes up close? Check out our sample classroom.