Podcast: Reading Simplified with Dr. Marnie Ginsberg

Are you a teacher who feels overwhelmed by the challenge of helping all of your students achieve their reading goals? Then you won’t want to miss today’s episode of our podcast! We’re thrilled to be joined by Dr. Marnie Ginsberg, the founder of Reading Simplified, a program designed to support educators in teaching an evidence-based system of reading instruction.
In this episode, Dr. Ginsberg shares her insights on why traditional reading instruction often falls short, and how her program offers a more effective and efficient approach. She also discusses the challenges that teachers face in balancing their many responsibilities and offers practical tips for implementing her system in a busy classroom.
Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting out, this episode offers valuable insights into the science of reading instruction and the tools you need to help all of your students succeed. So tune in and join us for this inspiring conversation with Dr. Marnie Ginsberg!
Show Notes
The Art & the Science of Reading
Reading is a fundamental skill that almost everyone needs to master to succeed in life. But what does it take to become a good reader? Is it simply a matter of learning the mechanics of decoding written words, or is there more to it than that?
According to Dr. Marnie Ginsberg, the founder of Reading Simplified, there is both a science and an art to reading instruction. On the one hand, there is a vast body of research that tells us how the brain learns to read. This includes insights into the importance of phonemic awareness (the ability to hear individual sounds and words), the role of written language as a code for sounds, and the common pathways that successful readers tend to follow.
On the other hand, there is the art of teaching reading – the complex, nuanced, and often intuitive work of figuring out what works best for each individual student. This involves observing their emotional, motivational, cognitive, behavioral, and physical needs and strengths and adapting instruction to meet those needs. It’s a bit like being a detective, trying to uncover the best strategies for each child.
Dr. Ginsberg believes that the key to successful reading instruction is to marry the science and the art of reading. While we have learned a great deal about how the brain learns to read, there are still many things we don’t know, and it’s important to honor the wisdom of parents and teachers who have the experience and intuition to work effectively with individual students.
So whether you’re a parent, teacher, or tutor, remember that effective reading instruction requires both scientific knowledge and practical know-how. By combining the two, you can help all of your students achieve their reading goals and set them on a path to success.
Reading, Simplified
At the heart of Reading Simplified, the program developed by Dr. Marnie Ginsberg that streamlines instruction for educators while accelerating students’ reading achievement, is an approach that draws students’ attention to the sounds and words of the English language and connects it to phonics and real words. By using letter sound tiles to build words and teaching phonics information organized by sound, rather than print or spelling, students quickly unlock the code of written language and develop a mental organizational framework that helps them retain information.
In just a few weeks, students who use the Reading Simplified approach can move from basic phonics to early transitional texts, where they experience the reward of seeing their reading skills rapidly improve. This is because the program focuses on providing sufficient phonics, phonemic awareness, and decoding strategies – the key components of effective reading instruction.
If you’re looking for an approach to reading instruction that’s grounded in the latest research and designed to accelerate student achievement, then Reading Simplified is the program for you. Give it a try and see the difference it can make for your students!
Dr. Marnie’s Quick Reading Tips
If you’re a parent or teacher looking for tips on how to teach reading to kids, then Dr. Marnie Ginsberg has some great advice for you. Here are her top three tips:
Keep reading aloud: No matter how old your child is, reading aloud to them is always beneficial. It’s a powerful way to expose them to new vocabulary and ideas, and it helps build their listening skills. Try reading texts that are a few years above their age level – most kids can handle it as long as the content is appropriate.
Provide quick access: Kids are more likely to enjoy reading if they feel successful at it. That’s why Dr. Ginsberg designed Reading Simplified to help kids quickly access phonics information and high-frequency words. One way to build success is to move quickly between activities and to encourage rereading. When a child rereads a text, it helps them gain automaticity with the words they didn’t know immediately earlier. By cycling through texts and revisiting them over time, kids build their phonics knowledge and develop decoding skills that enable them to read more complex texts.
Follow their interests: Finally, it’s important to encourage kids to read what interests them. Whether it’s early chapter books, graphic novels, or something else, finding books that light up their imagination is key to building a love of reading. By providing access to phonics and high-frequency words, you can help them tackle even more challenging texts and feel confident in their reading abilities.
By following these tips, you can help your child develop the skills and confidence they need to become successful readers. So keep reading aloud, provide quick access to phonics information, and follow their interests – and watch as your child’s love of reading blossoms!
Stay the Course
If you’re a parent or teacher struggling to help a child who’s having difficulty with reading, then Dr. Marnie Ginsberg has some words of encouragement for you. Remember to stay the course, try some phonemic awareness methods, and go slow to go fast. It’s important to keep in mind that a child’s ability to concentrate is age plus one minute, so keep reading sessions short and avoid showing panic or frustration.
Dr. Ginsberg also recommends encouraging your child to spend some time alone each day practicing without the pressure of adult scrutiny. This can help alleviate performance anxiety and enable kids to make progress on their own terms.
By following these tips and checking out Reading Simplified, you can help your child develop the skills and confidence they need to become successful readers. Remember to stay positive, be patient, and celebrate small victories along the way.
So if you’re ready to help your child unlock the power of reading, give Reading Simplified a try today. With a little perseverance and a lot of love, you can help your child achieve their reading goals and set them on a path to lifelong success.
- Contact Dr. Marnie Ginsberg at: [email protected]
- Website: ReadingSimplified.com
- Instagram: @readingsimplified
- Twitter: @readingsimplified
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