Podcast: Millennials and Gen X CAN Homeschool!

Looking into our Brave Writer podcast analytics, we discovered a surprising fact: Most of our listeners are Millennials or Gen X!
In today’s episode, Melissa and I will be exploring the unique challenges faced by young Gen-Xers and Millennials who choose to homeschool. We’ve been looking into generation theory to better understand the characteristics and demands that may be affecting this group of homeschoolers.
Our goal is to support and advocate for you, as we think you’re awesome and brave for taking on homeschooling. We’ll also highlight some positive skills you already possess that will be helpful on your journey. It’s important to remember that every generation that has chosen to homeschool has had to defy societal norms, and we admire your courage and imagination.
So, let’s dive in and explore how different generations have related to homeschooling, and how you can forge your own path that’s right for you and your family. Remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace along the way.
Show Notes
We’ll be looking at the generational archetypes of four different groups: the boomers, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z.
- The boomers were born between 1943 and 1960 and are associated with the prophet archetype.
- Gen X, born between 1961 and 1981, is associated with the nomad archetype.
- The millennials were born between 1982 and 2004 and are associated with the hero archetype.
- Gen Z, born from 2005 onwards, is associated with the artist archetype.
As we continue, we’ll explore what these archetypes mean in more detail.
It’s fascinating to see how the experiences of boomers and millennials intersect. Boomers had a vision for the future and spoke it into being, but millennials were raised to believe in that vision and follow the rules, only to come of age in a world where the promises weren’t fulfilled. Millennials often feel angry and betrayed, with a sense that they were promised a secure life if they followed the rules and obtained a degree, but this isn’t the reality they face today. They also tend to have a strong sense of self-righteousness and a desire to save the world. However, interpersonally, they often clash with their boomer or older gen X parents who feel accused and misunderstood. The shadow of the millennial generation includes denial of inner authority, making it challenging for them to step up and navigate the world as it is today.
In the pre-internet world, people had to be self-sufficient and create things from scratch. If they failed, no one would witness it except themselves. Nowadays, we broadcast our successes and failures. With the internet, resources are readily available, and if someone wants to do something, they can find a how-to manual or watch a YouTube tutorial. However, this can lead to information overload and paralysis, as people may spend too much time watching tutorials instead of taking action. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent among the younger generations, who are accustomed to having many options and resources available. When it comes to homeschooling, there are now many options for curricula and models to choose from, but it’s important to be discerning about the sources of information and not to spend too much time-consuming information instead of taking action.
To encourage millennial homeschooling parents, it’s important to tap into your own sense of identification with leaders who resonate with you. Look for what’s calling to you and try things out. Remember that you’re already unique in your group for choosing to homeschool, and you don’t have to be a perfect homeschooler. Perfectionism was a bill of goods sold to you by previous generations. Don’t fixate on the perfect outcome, but give yourself permission to have the hero’s adventure.
To be a good parent and educator, don’t try to sort through all the advice out there. Instead, focus on being present with your children and using what you have available right now. There is no “right” way to do things, so don’t get hung up on trying to find the perfect solution. Just focus on shared learning and connection with your children. It may take some time for your child to learn to read but don’t obsess over measurement and getting it right. Remember that you are teaching human beings, not preparing them for a standardized test.
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- Personality Hacker Podcast episodes: Boomers and Gen X Theory, Millennials and GenZ Theory
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