MLA Research Essay Q&A

I remember the day. I’d been asked by many parents over the years to provide an in-depth college-prep research essay class. What to do? Then I saw it: an actual college textbook. Of course!
So Brave Writer’s MLA Research Essay class was made with your college-bound teen in mind. We draw directly from the principles real colleges use when teaching writing.
It sounds a bit daunting, but when we break this major project into manageable chunks, writing a research paper really isn’t that difficult; I promise!
“What is MLA format?”
MLA stands for “Modern Language Association.” The MLA started publishing a “style sheet” to help students write research papers in a standard format, and since then the MLA has been refining the elements of the MLA research essay format.
“Should my kid be familiar with this system?”
Yes! The MLA format represents a consensus among professors, scholars, and librarians for documenting research in their respective fields. Basically, MLA style dictates how students use citations, works cited, footnotes, headers…
“Is it unreasonably hard?”
Believe it or not, the MLA style is a simpler style than other formats such as the APA or the Chicago Manual of Style!
“Is it BORING?”
Not the Brave Writer way! We encourage your teen to choose a topic that makes them tick. It helps to love what you’re writing about!
“Is it worth the price?”
Let’s ask the teens from previous classes!
This class made me feel a lot more confident in my overall knowledge of the MLA style components. The instructions and explanations of what is required were far more clear and detailed than any others I had received for previous MLA essays. —Student Sarah
I learned much more about citing sources in the MLA format… I had never written that long and complex of an essay, so it was a good learning experience. —Student April
Thank you so much for all your amazing feedback on my work in this class! I think I have a good understanding of MLA research essays after taking this class. —Student Max
That kind of confidence? Priceless!
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