2022 Brave Writer Summer Camp

FREE Online Summer Camp!
It’s that time of year again!
Are you feeling it? The overwhelm of a new homeschool year.
So many subjects to cover!
So many curriculum options for each subject!
Let us help you reduce decision fatigue and unlock learning.
Our day-long camp was packed with useful information about:
- homeschooling
- writing across the curriculum
- all things Brave Writer
Summer Camp is over (and the discount code has expired) but you can watch the REPLAYS below!
Free Webinars
Online Classes: Writing is the Key to Learning Any Subject
Not only is writing a subject area unto itself, we consider writing the key to unlock learning across the curriculum. Whether science, history, grammar, Shakespeare, art, or current events, online writing classes create the richest and deepest learning experiences in any school subject. Let Kirsten Merryman (Director of Online Classes) show you how.
Brave Learner Home: The Resources and Community You Need
None of us can go it alone. Home education depends on strong support: from friends, and from veteran educators who’ve gone before. Inside Brave Learner Home, the more than 12,000 members have access to ready-made unit studies across the curriculum, a community forum, as well as monthly webinars and classes to help them be effective parent-educators. Join Brave Writer founder, Julie Bogart, to learn more about this homeschooling resource center and community like no other!
For Kids! Author Melissa Wiley Reads Aloud!
The incomparable Melissa Wiley (children’s novelist and homeschool veteran of six) will read aloud to us! She’s in the middle of her next novel and she is eager to share it with your kids. Melissa has been writing children’s books since 1995, including her Brave Writer featured books, The Prairie Thief and The Nerviest Girl in the World.
Brave Writer Products: Unlocking Learning Through Literature
Whether fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or fantasy, literature opens doors to a wide range of school subjects and learning adventures. Discover how grammar, punctuation, spelling, and literary devices can be taught naturally, while also inviting children into science, history, math, geography, and imagination. Dawn Smith (Director of Publishing) shares how!
Raising Brave Learners and Critical Thinkers
You have what it takes to not only raise great kids, but to bring joy, vitality, and skill to each aspect of learning. Once you understand the interconnections between all the school subjects and the vital role of self-expression in each, you will be ready to naturally guide your children into a cherished childhood and deep educational experience (whether you homeschool or not!). Join Julie Bogart (creator of the Brave Writer program) for a final “send-off” talk to launch your school year.
Special Offer
We have a special offer for you! When you purchase $198.00 worth of curriculum, you will be automatically added to our special homeschool community called: Brave Learner Home. Your qualifying purchase provides you with a lifetime membership!
The entire Brave Writer team is excited to serve you this year.
Get ready for your best homeschool year yet!