Growing Brave Writers: Training Webinar

Have you preordered Growing Brave Writers?
If so, join me on publication day (July 15 at 4 pm ET) for an implementation webinar! Get in on the first training from me so that you can start the coming school year with confidence.
Do your kids balk when you assign writing?
- Even after you give a clear explanation of what the assignment requires?
- Even after you help your kids think of something to write?
- Do they return a blank stare?
- Do they say “I can’t think of anything to write”?
Most writing programs tell kids what to write.
In Brave Writer, we show kids how to write.
There’s a better way to grow a writer than insistence, grades, and exasperation.
Growing Brave Writers gives adults and kids the tools to learn how to write and to do it with confidence!