Trust Yourself

Trust yourself. You bring unique gifts to your family and learning lifestyle.
- Identify them.
- Celebrate them.
- Stop looking at your deficiencies.
Blaze a different path—the one that is right for your family.
Some Examples
One mom I know taught her two sons to quilt. Each day before they went to school, they spent thirty minutes on their own sewing machines piecing together individual crazy quilts. The joy from this task set the stage for a great day away from home.
Another family I know chose not to have a television and instead, used the evenings to do crafts, to learn to cook together, to take evening hikes, and to read.
My “different” turned out to be learning what I wanted to learn smack-dab in the middle of the day while I homeschooled. I studied art history, learned to draw, became interested in bird watching and raising African violets, fell in love with all things poetry, Jane Austen, and Shakespeare, and tackled American social justice movements.
A Culture of Learning
Whether you and your kids plant a garden or take up tango or read aloud by a fire each night, what you bring from within you builds your family culture of learning. You get a wide open chance to do it if you homeschool, but even if your kids go to school, you can still bring a vibrant creativity to learning and loving in your family if you pay attention and lean into your leadership role.
Trust yourself. You have riches to share. And if you think you don’t, go learn something in front of your kids and see what happens.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!