From Striving to Thriving Summit

I want to tell you about (and highly recommend you sign up for) a FREE online summit that’s being hosted by my friend and colleague, Dr. Diana Hill, on October 15 and 16.
It’s called From Striving to Thriving, and it’s bringing together leading experts like Jud Brewer, PhD, Rhonda Magee, MA, JD, Kristin Neff, PhD, and Rick Hanson, PhD, for a series of discussions about compassion, mindfulness and mental wellness – all major issues for the times we’re living in. It was an honor to be invited to take part and, when you sign up, you’ll have free access to the hour-long discussion I had with Diana about raising critical thinkers (content from my new book coming in February!).
The summit explores the neuroscience behind stressful striving and offers strategies to grow a more compassionate, collaborative, and purpose-driven life, sharing tools from cutting-edge approaches such as Compassion Focused Therapy, Mindful Self-Compassion, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and positive neuroplasticity.
You’ll learn:
- How to identify stressful striving and its consequences
- The neuroscience of stressful striving and it’s behavioral habit loop
- Strategies to build a more compassionate, allocentric, caring mind
- Mindfulness and self-compassion strategies to engage “compassionate striving”
- How to use positive neuroplasticity to grow inner qualities of contentment and wholeness
- How to respond to perfectionism and feelings of inadequacy
- How to orient kids towards intrinsic rewards and critical thinking
- Strategies to engage striving toward social justice
- How to use psychological flexibility to take action towards your values
The summit features a total of nine 60-minute discussions, each of which will be released online over two days. Accessing them is free. You just need to register at to receive lifetime access to these conversations.
If my discussion with Diana is anything to go by, you’re in for a real treat, with content packed full of fresh perspectives and insights that will address the “work harder, achieve more” ethos that dominates so many of our lives, giving us all fresh perspectives on how to strive less and thrive more.