Tailor-Made Education

Allow your homeschool to evolve, morph, grow (or shrink!). Be strong and courageous to stick up for your choices. Remember: individuals over systems.
You can’t get it right.
That’s the good news! Each time you notice that you want to tweak your homeschool, high five yourself for doing the real work of home education—
- adapting,
- morphing,
- changing,
- and growing.
There’s no arrival point.
Homeschooling is not a destination.
You’re creating a routine and set of practices that necessarily evolve because so do the people in your family. As your kids get older, they:
- develop preferences,
- get bored,
- master one topic and need more support in another one,
- and learn at different rates during different years.
Not only that, you get bored, you have other commitments that require attention, you learn more about homeschooling each year, and some subjects and levels are harder for you than others.
If anyone gives you guff, you can let it go. You’ve chosen tailor-made education, not institutional schooling. This is exactly how it’s supposed to work.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!