“Mom, I think writing is my best subject.”

Here’s the next installment of our ongoing series where we share testimonies of some who’ve been transformed by their online class experience with Brave Writer. Enjoy!
Brave Writer parent, Carrie, writes:
What class(es) are you giving feedback on today?
Brave Writer 102: Stress-Free Revision
Tell us a bit about your student.
My son Joey is 14. He is the 6th of my 7 children. He is very soft-spoken and struggles with academics. He loves Legoes and building models and figures, playing video games, going fishing, and taking walks in the woods with his mom.
Tell us a bit about you.
I am a mom to 7 and so far have homeschooled 4 of them through high school; I’m still blessed to be awaking a love of learning in my youngest 3 children. I was a former public school teacher who began homeschooling 23 years ago. I love reading, teaching, and taking walks in the woods. I love learning new things and recently started taking painting classes which is helping me overcome a fear of art I developed 40 years ago in the 8th grade when exploring my artistic side challenged my GPA.
When your student entered our class, how would you describe your student as a writer? Were there ongoing writing challenges?
Joey has always struggled with the physical act of writing and didn’t like to write because it was laborious for him. He tended to write simplistically, far below his level of thought or vocabulary. He dutifully worked to “get done.” He didn’t ever want to re-think his writing because he had already put in so much time and energy into having gotten the writing complete. As a former middle school Language Arts teacher unable to help her own son, I felt like I was failing him.
What was your experience with the class?
When we started this class, I hoped to just be able to help Joey get a more positive feeling for the art of revising. What we got was so much more. I saw my son smiling as he was writing and I have NEVER seen that. He was so very proud of working to make his memory into a lie. He put his sense of humor into his piece. He struggles so much academically and is so quiet by nature that I didn’t know he even had this creative, fun sense of humor. His teacher told him she nearly spit out her tea laughing when she read his description his wit shown through. I saw my son, who always struggles, shine. The biggest payoff was when he told me, “Mom, I think writing is my best subject.” Those are words I never thought I’d hear!
Anything else you’d like to share with us?
I loved this class!!!!!!!
Tags: Testimonies