See Your People

Get to know the people who live with you; become fascinated by them; learn from them; protect them. Everything falls into place when you genuinely like each other and no one is seen as an adversary.
In our world of discord, one of the best ways to respond is to ensure that the bonds of affection at home are strong. We take each other for granted because too frequently we stop seeing them. They become like wallpaper: too familiar.
One of the best ways to experience love for members of your family again is to notice something new about them. Be on a treasure hunt for that specialness that causes you to pause and be delighted.
- For instance, you might notice a child’s use of her hands when she talks or his incessant need to know.
- You might be reminded that one of your kids is routinely a pleasure to be around and another is the first to offer help when you need it.
- Perhaps you are standing in one room and you look up to see that the shape of this little person has morphed again and into a more grown up version.
- You might watch your partner watch television and remember just how beautiful those eyes really are.
SEE your people. Know them anew. Love them more.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!