It’s a Privilege

We are the lucky ones. We live each day, conscious that our choices shape the next generation indelibly. These little people are with us for a short 18 years and we get to see it all unfold, right before our eyes.
I’m cleaning out my files and shelves, stumbling across handmade birthday cards and handcrafts from my children when they were still children.
It feels like such a big responsibility to raise them and hope they choose to be decent people with good values.
There’s a lot I couldn’t control. There are mistakes I made. Sometimes I got it exactly right. And often: the difference between a mistake and a good decision were razor thin apart.
So much is the result of that word we don’t like: luck. Or serendipity. Or lack of foresight.
But I do know this. At the end of the day, I have never regretted being there for all of it. I hope you can hold onto that too—that being with your kids, now, as their parent-educator is a privilege, even when it’s hard.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!