Brave Learner Home: Family Heritage

Are you in need of nurturing and inspiration? I know I am!
That’s why I can’t wait for you to meet our guest speaker in Brave Learner Home.
The first time I heard her captivate an audience was at a homeschool conference where we were both featured speakers. From the moment Amber O’Neal Johnston (Heritage Mom) began, I was riveted.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that I got chills multiple times as her melodic voice of passion retold her stories and wrapped us in possibilities for our own families.
Master Class: Family Heritage
How many of us want to do a better job of helping our children learn about our family heritage?
Many of us are digging through ancestry websites, old photographs, memories, and letters for a better understanding of who we are and where we come from.
Amber is the perfect person to help us travel that distance back to ourselves and our family roots. She encourages us to discover the traditions and heritage hidden inside our families. Plus she has ideas for how to go on that journey of investigation into that richness.
Amber is known for her HeritageMom blog and HeritageMom Instagram. She’s a writer and speaker for Wild + Free and a world-schooling Charlotte Mason homeschooler.
Amber has relied on life-giving books and a culturally-rich environment for her four homeschooled kids. Amber recommends we create “mirrors and windows for all children to see themselves and others reflected” in the books we choose for homeschooling.