Relationship: The 4th “R”

Everyone says schooling is about Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic. This year, let’s talk about the fourth ‘R’ in education:
Without a loving connection, learning leads to frustration and tears.
In January 2021, the Brave Learner Home is hosting an expert who will talk to us about how to enhance your connection to your scattered kids—the ones who can never find their matching shoes or forget what you asked them to do two minutes after you asked.
We kick off our Master Classes in 2021 with an overview of executive processing—what it is and why we should care. Executive processing requires a level of metacognition that our kids are still in the process of developing—yes, even our teens! Learn how to support that growth without damaging your relationship.
Mark Your Calendar
Join the Brave Learner Home and register for our webinar on:
Thursday January 14, 7:00 PM (Eastern).
We will be joined by Samantha Feinman, director of New Frontiers and Speech Therapist, Special Education Teacher, and Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Education at Pace University.
Hope to see you there!