The Best Curriculum is the One You Use

If the program stays in your inbox, and you don’t download it to the computer, you have no hope of using it.
If the curriculum sits on the dining room table, spine un-cracked, it will not magically transmit the content to your learners.
If you feel confused or overwhelmed, that feeling won’t go away until you make a pot of coffee and sit with the program, reading it until you understand its aims and how to use it.
There’s no shame in:
- taking it one product at a time,
- reading the teacher’s notes or user’s guide,
- and getting familiar.
There’s no auto-fill program—you buy it, your kid gets educated from it.
Any successful experience with curriculum comes from your choice to learn it and use it.
You can do it!
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!