Brave Writer Listicle!

17 Things Only Brave Writer Homeschoolers Would Know
1. Wrinkled paper makes a freer writer.
2. A chair is essential to teaching prepositions.
3. The term “Elbow” is not a mid-joint in your arm.
4. Weapons make perfectly appropriate names for children’s curriculum.
5. Planning from behind does not involve toilet paper.
6. It takes more time to prep poetry teatime than to do it.
7. Copywork is better by candlelight.
8. Brave Writer lets parents be dictators—get it?
9. Dotty has an art table in your living room, even though you’ve never met Dotty.
10. Your lesson planner is a BINGO card.
11. If Brave Writer initially confuses your school-brain, you’re doing it right!
12. Writing in lipstick on a mirror counts.
13. Doing “not enough” is just enough.
14. Brownie mix is on the back-to-school materials list.
15. Watching the movie first is a legit book club.
16. Mouths are full of big juicy conversations, not hamburgers.
17. You’re haunted by the Ghost of Public School Past…less.