Engage with Nature: Week 4

Is it the end of April already? We may be losing track of time, but nature is right on schedule.
Our twenty nature prompts can help you and yours jump into nature study, one of the Brave Writer Lifestyle elements, and enjoy the grounding routine of the shifting season.
Each Friday in April we’re sharing five simple ideas.
Pick one to do the following week, then let us know what you did by sharing on Instagram (#bravewriterlifestyle).
Ideas for Week 4
- Watch the clouds.
- Make a nature date—virtually—with a Natural History Museum, Botanical Gardens, or Nature Center offering online events.
- Lap your house or apartment building looking for nature before heading inside.
- Play “If you could be any animal what would you be?” (Ask why and for lots of descriptions about what life would be like as that creature.)
- Observe how dew or rainwater rests on a leaf.
See All Ideas Here

Tags: Engage with Nature