Looking Back and Looking Ahead

The best part of 2019 was meeting so many of you as I got to travel!
Thank you for showing up, for testing the ideas I share and then telling me how they work (or don’t), for trusting me with your stories (personal ones, heartfelt ones). I’m impressed with your dedication and your tenacity to keep looking for solutions to your most stubborn problems. Truly: you are the ROCKSTARS and I’m your biggest fan.
In 2020, I’m not speaking at any homeschool events. My podcast will return and we’ll have lots of webinar opportunities (I see you international fans who can’t get to a conference in the states!), and the Homeschool Alliance will be going STRONG! Lots of chances to interact with me and the team via message board and webinar.
This next year is our 20th anniversary: filled with surprises and good things for you. I’ll be writing a book, too.
Then I’ll be back on the circuit in 2021 (already have 3 keynotes lined up!). We’ll have lots of chances to be together in the coming months, even if virtually. So don’t be a stranger!
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!