The Right Atmosphere

“What are children learn at home is largely invisible to us — directly connected to their experience of well-being — the atmosphere of family life.” ~The Brave Learner
Get the atmosphere right and learning blooms. Oh I know. I used the word “right” and immediately that plunges you into a pit of despair!
Let me define “right atmosphere.” Ready?
Space to Create
- Lots of talking
- Freedom to be yourself
- Snacks
- Second, third, and fourth chances
- Hope
- Optimism
- Love expressed as admiration, support, collaboration
- Time
- Following your hunches
- Faith in learning, not just curriculum
- Willingness for mess, mistakes, and makeovers
- Growing as an adult learner too
- Add your own!
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The atmosphere that promotes learning is free, emotionally nurturing, and filled with learning opportunities of all sorts. It will look different in each family, yet the “feel” of it will be similar—growth and learning valued and sustained.
I’m reading Ainsley Arment’s book and love this quote in particular:
“Trust your natural instincts, even when you don’t know what to do, because if all else fails, you still know how to be a parent.” ~The Call of the Wild and Free
What creates the “right” atmosphere in your home? Pick one from the list above or add your own.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!