Summer Writing Classes: Activity Ideas

Brave Writer’s online classes make for celebrated summer memories! Are you waiting to get started?
Your experience with Brave Writer isn’t confined to the 3-6 weeks of class time. We’ll teach you how to engage your kids— before, during, and after your class.
We’ve listed a slew of ideas below for you!
Sign up for a class that starts in a week or two, then try a few of the activities to get even MORE excitement and learning in with your kids!
Pre-Class Activity Ideas
Ready? Summer writing was never more enjoyable!
Middle School Writing Projects Embrace the power of in-person saturation in a topic! Go to the ACTUAL brick and mortar library (I know!) and:
- Browse—pull books related to the topic.
- Explore—move two shelves over—what’s there? Two shelves down?
- Immerse yourself for the afternoon. Curiosity sparked!
Expository Essay: Exploratory and Persuasive Controversy is everywhere! Teens don’t know it’s the foundation of persuasive essay writing—you do!
- Type in a topic like “sports” into a search engine. What comes up?
- NOW, type in “sports + controversy” — and stand back!
- Search for the controversy in every topic: rock climbing, Fortnite, chewing gum.
- Proceed to Big Juicy Conversations galore!
Movie Discussion Club Time to snuggle up with our movie selection! Make the experience inviting for your kids!
- During your next trip to the store, pick up different types of popcorn.
- Do a taste testing at home and find your favorite!
- By the way, your kids will remember this… FOREVER.
Get the biggest bang for your buck! Prime the pump with our engaging activity ideas, take a class, then print out class PDFs to continue the writing activities at home.
You’ve got a whole summer full of fun and writing waiting for you!
Sign Up Today