Podcast: Leaving a Beauty Mark on the World with Joules Evans

Every homeschool faces a crisis of some kind. Some of us get the diagnosis that alters the rest of our lives.
On this Brave Writer Podcast episode, I welcome my friend and homeschool comrade Joules Evans. Joules faced that life-changing diagnosis in the middle of her homeschooling journey. She talks to us about the brave shifts she and her family made and where they are today.
Don’t miss this podcast! It’s tempting to avoid facing our mortality. Yet being compassionate and prepared is a gift we give ourselves and others. I’m excited for you to meet Joules!
Episode 12: Joules Evans
Joules Evans is the mother of three grown kids whom she homeschooled all the way to the end of high school. All three are doing big brave things in the world. Joules, herself, is a breast cancer survivor. Her diagnosis shattered the taken-for-granted life she and her family had created and forced them to recreate their homeschool and their lives. Join me for an especially important episode.
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