An Inspiring Young Author – Podcast with Mason Lawler

While you wait for Season Three of the Brave Writer Podcast, enjoy our interview with a special guest. Brave Writer student Mason Lawler recently self-published his first book and we’re happy to have him on the podcast.
2016 was a rough year – Mason went through surgeries and long recoveries – so his mother focused on a big project that would lead to a satisfying outcome. They decided to write a book, and here it is: How the Chameleon Got Its Colors!
Mason took Brave Writer’s Just So Stories online class, which exposes students to the classic animal tales of Rudyard Kipling and tasks them with creating their own. Mason’s class was taught by April Hensley, and she was the first person to suggest collecting Mason’s stories into a book.
In the podcast we talk about:
- self-teaching
- the self-publishing process
- commissioning illustrations
- and why there is a grain of truth behind all good fiction.
Mason is an inspiration to to anyone writing stories in this modern day and age, young or old. There’s no excuse not to pursue publishing that book!
Listen to the Podcast
- How the Chameleon Got Its Colors by M. G. Lawler: Paperback / Kindle Edition
- Freewriting Lessons
- The Writer’s Jungle
Stay tuned for the Brave Shift series on the podcast!
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