Are You New to Brave Writer?

Welcome to Brave Writer! You made it. This is where the magic happens. We’re all about:
- exploration,
- curiosity,
- taking it one thing at a time,
- not having to know what to do yet,
- figuring it out as you go,
- and asking for help.
There are no right answers. There are only attempts to create your own rhythm, style, and routine. We’re here to help you find what works for you!
Brave Writer is a program of interconnecting parts. You can’t mess it up.
If you’re brand new to us, though, here are some posts, podcasts, and resources that might help you learn more about our philosophy and practices.
Get to know our Educational Philosophy
Understanding our view of education is THE most important step in implementing the Brave Writer program in your home!
Learn about the Natural Stages of Growth in Writing
Discover which stage of writing your child is in. It’s much more effective to look at how writers grow naturally than to focus on scope and sequence, grade level, ages, or the types of writing that ought to be done in some “established sequence.”
See how the program works for Individual or Multiple Students
Homeschool sanity depends on working as a family as much as possible. Fortunately, Brave Writer accommodates that need beautifully with its products and classes that work with multiple levels of students at the same time.
Determine Which Products You Need
Decide which Brave Writer products will work for your unique homeschooling family.
Implement the Brave Writer Lifestyle
Take Brave Writer’s natural and lifestyle-oriented approach to living language arts and incorporate it into your family life. And for a start, do our 7-Day Writing Blitz! It will give you a feel for how the Brave Writer Lifestyle might look in your home.
Practice the One Thing Principle
Start with the product or idea that piques your curiosity or inspires you or seems to meet your need. Ignore the others for now.
Need more support? Join Brave Learner Home
The Brave Learner Home provides coaching from the Brave Writer team and me. It’s the one-stop Internet community sandbox for home education. We’ll do it together, one month at a time, one subject or child at a time, making sure that you can see and measure your progress.
Together we will build a community that supports your risk-taking choices, that applauds your successes, and empathizes with your struggles.