Spring class schedule sneak peek
Hi everyone!
Since Rocky’s injury ten days ago, the busy-ness of my already busy life ramped up several notches. He’s got vet appointments every other day, medicines, needs to be helped up and down stairs, couches, outside to pee and more. At the same time, Jacob became a new driver, my two co-op classes resumed and I’m teaching a new online class. Somehow this blog is not getting the attention I usually like to give it!
But what you all really want to know is when that spring schedule will be posted. So instead of working on the blog, I’ve been working on the schedule. I should have the page created and posted no later than this weekend. Since you all have been such patient blog readers, here’s a sneak peek at what will likely be offered and when (dates subject to change):
One Thing: Copywork/Dictation
Kidswrite Basic
Passion for Fiction
One Thing: Nature
Kidswrite Intermediate
One Thing: Shakespeare
Oh, pet injuries are tough, since you can’t explain to them what’s going on and that the medicines and such are meant to help. I hope things get better soon!
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