[Podcast #257] The Right to Play: An Interview with Eloise Rickman

What does it mean to be adultist? Do children have a right to not brush their teeth… or the right not to have cavities? Eloise Rickman joins the show today to discuss her new book, It’s Not Fair, Why It’s Time for a Grown-Up Conversation About How Adults Treat Children.
We have a big juicy conversation about:
- human development,
- education,
- societal structures,
- lived experiences,
- and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
If you’re looking for absolute answers, then this episode isn’t for you. But if you want to hear three homeschool moms discuss how they find the daily balance between guiding children and listening to them, you’re in the right place.
Show Notes
What is Adultism
Adultism is the concept that children across all areas of society tend to occupy a minoritized, discriminated against position. Adultism is a structural concept, not something that is happening in individual homes. Using the lens of adultism, we can critically examine things like educational policies that are harmful to children’s full development and current environment.
Being a Responsible Adult
What does it mean to be a responsible adult through the lens of adultism? Does it mean you should let your child eat only candy, never brush their teeth, and stay up all night? No, it means engaging with your child in a respectful manner, honoring their individuality and development stage.
Eloise points to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a starting point for adults, and even kids, who are curious about this topic.
- Connect with Eloise on Instagram: @mightymother_
- Check out Eloise’s website is: EloiseRickman.com
- Find her book, It’s Not Fair: Why It’s Time for a Grown-Up Conversation About How Adults Treat Children in the Brave Writer Bookshop: bravewriter.com/book-shop
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- Read the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
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