Mutual Trust

What if…
- you made a rule for yourself that said: “I will never assume my child is out to trick me”?
- you heard a child’s complaints as useful information so you can solve a problem together?
- your child’s unhappiness mattered more to you than your need to push that child through schoolwork?
Trust Goes Both Ways
Trust goes both ways only if it goes both ways. Can your child trust you to bring good things into their daily lives? Does your child trust that when they are bored, tired, annoyed, or unhappy those feelings matter to you?
You can still have objectives. But what happens to those objectives when we take our children’s experience seriously? Might we:
- change the delivery system?
- create different conditions for performing the task?
- lend kind support or a sense of humor?
Our kids are not the problem.
Mutual trust is.
When we build mutual trust, we improve everyone’s life. Learn to be trustworthy by trusting that your children are not out to ruin the day, your homeschool, your family or your life. Meet them where they are so they can meet you where you are too.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!